Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sometimes...No words are necessary...


Jennifer Linforth said...

Winks. Indeed, sometimes word are NOT needed, especially with a visual mind like mine!

Interesting photo I found last night confirmed that dinners at Kaisrvilla were indeed at one HUGE round table. I found that unique and intimate.


Susan Flanders, Writer of Queens said...

I'd love to see that picture of the dinners at Kairsvilla. You're lucky to have found it. It takes so much time finding just the right picture!

Daphne said...

Those are so pretty. Thanks for sharing!

Susan Higginbotham said...

Beautiful pictures!

Denise Patrick said...

Beautiful pictures, but I'm disappointed. No Winterhalter pictures? As another person who loves Royalty, I love Winterhalter's paintings.

I'm glad I found this blog (by way of MySpace, btw). I'll be back. In the meantime, I'm sure you'll recognize most of these pictures on my blog at

Susan Flanders, Writer of Queens said...

I love Winterhalter as well. He is my favorite. But for some reason these pictures seemed similiar in look and were also quite pretty and lose in size. There's a Winterhalter of Sissi, Princess Elisabeth of Austria, down below...

Jennifer Linforth said...

I do much of my research for my Austrian historicals staring at the Winterhalter paintings... I feel a blog post coming on. Stop the blog madness!


elena maria vidal said...

Delightful pictures!!